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Chloe Pitney

Adding Character - The Props - Part One

Props within an environment can easily distinguish who the character is as a person and can show their interests. The first props that I wanted to design were the necessities for a bedroom i.e. bed, bedside tables, laundry basket.

The bed is a prop i thoroughly enjoyed designing for the character as I had to take in consideration how Kitty would interact as well as how the young woman would add her touch. For the bed frame, I decided with quite a traditional wooden frame. As cats like to scratch I thought it would be good to add a some scratch marks running up the frame so it looks like she has had it for quite sometime. I've created the headboard so no curves are added and made it so it was thick enough for Kitty to be able to walk across it. For the covers I was thinking of the best way to portray how the character would like to feel and what colours would be calming to her. After looking at different colour palettes I created I thought yellow would be best fitting for the bedroom. Yellow is a nice vivid colour that seems to be full of life, the colour yellow is also associated with happiness which I wanted to imply as the character at the start is feeling low.

As the yellow in design, I thought having dairies on the bedding would best suit and match the colour palette well, the only decision was to how to layout the daisies on the sheet, lined along the bottom, dense to sparse or evenly dotted across the bedding. I decided to choose the evenly dotted across the bedding, this was because I wanted the yellow to be incorporated all across, the backing is grey to match the bedroom theme. The main focus of yellow is on the under sheet which is yellow block colour.

The bedside tables are something that I wanted to show both the young woman's personality and also Kitty's. To add a bit of personality I thought it would be best ti design the drawer handle, I wanted to incorporate the beddings yellow theme as well as a cat theme. As you can see I decided to choose a pink paw print and also a stylised fish skeleton (something that can be seen on cat toys/bowls etc. The beside table themselves are coloured a light grey so it would fit/suit the bedroom and also help show slightly how the character is feeling in the moment. To add a little colour, in one I have decided to add some books (to fill up the space as well) to hint what the young woman loves such as cat books and creative things such as animation and drawing software. To add a cat theme I decided to design a lamp in which the base is shaped like a cat but have it solid black, just so their isn't much detail (doesn't take any attention away from anything in the scene) but you know exactly what it is due to the silhouette. As their was a spare space underneath in the bedside table, I thought this would be perfect to add a blanket of some sort so Kitty had another potential place to nap/sleep in the bedroom. By adding a pop of colour (red) and some black paw prints, it should be obvious to the audience of what that space is for.

Another piece I wanted to have in the scene is the laundry bag. As the character leaves clothes on the floor in a pile in times when she is feeling low, adding a laundry bag will emphasise this. The Design on the laundry bag is very simple, a grey bag to fit in with the props in the scene with a slight hint yellow, which is shown on the bedding and beside table. At first I was thinking of adding text to the front of the bag, after discussions with my lecturer I come to the decision the the font would not be need and could add a little squiggle to represent the text.

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