As I want to make the interaction between the young woman and her cat more expressive and be represented in more than one way, I thought the best course of action would be based around colour and how it would work around the scene. The reason why I thought of this was because particularly when I am generally felling low or not my self everything I do can be strenuous and seem dark in the moment. This expanded to potentially the cat lighting up the young woman's world, i thought this was not as creative I would like it to be as it could also hinder the way the environment would look and miss possibly features/hints that show the woman's personality. Instead of using light and dark I thought it would be better to use dull colours for the dismal world then after interaction with the cat, the world becoming more vibrant and full of life. As you can see below I have been experimenting with how the dull to vibrant idea would transition within an animation. It is surprisingly quite tough to decide how the colour should shift as it is not something I have done before. I have explored different avenues of how this would work from moving left to right on the screen to a bubble surrounding the cat that expands to the woman.
As I am still nearer the beginning of the project I will have to come back to this at a later stage as I will have more of an idea of what the characters will be like as well as what will be in the environment.
Update!!! 10/12/2022
As I have finally decided upon the characters and props/environment etc I have came to a decision to what would be best suited for the short film. As you can see below I have combined a few ideas that I had explored. I really like how there are bubble of vivid colour floats around before the fully covering the scene. This really helps distinguish dull and vibrant. Now that I have finalised the idea I will now have to think about how this concept would be produced in a short film. As I am primarily a 3D artist the short film will be in 3D so will need to figure out how the colour transition will practically work. i could create two texture set for everything in the scene i.e one with a dull colour and one vivid however, this could become very time consuming and would take away from other aspects in production. Another Idea could be an overlay in post production using 2d effects which could dull the overall colour then transition to vid which could potentially be an easier option. The reality of this idea is that I will have to experiment in the beginning stages to fully delve and figure out the best decision.